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The South African Council for Educators (SACE) recently announced that the deadline for principals and deputy principals to earn Professional Development points has been extended by six months, from December 2016 to the end of June 2017. This gives all principals who have not managed to earn 150 Professional Development points in time, the opportunity to do so.

In its recent media release, the Council also congratulated the 327 principals and deputy principals who achieved gold status by earning over 300 points within the three year cycle.

How to Earn SACE CPTD/PD Points

All educators are mandated to earn 150 points by the end of the allotted three year cycle. This can be done in three ways:

  • Type 1 Activities (Teacher Initiated): These activities are initiated personally by an educator to address his/her identified needs. For example, enrolling for an ACE programme, writing an article for an educational publication, attending a workshop, material development, participating in professional learning communities, engaging in action research in the classroom.
  • Type 2 Activities (School Initiated): These activities are initiated by a school to address, for example, common needs identified by a group of foundation phase educators. Other examples include, attending a workshop/course as a school focusing on discipline in your school, attending staff meeting, responding to some of the identified needs in your School Improvement Plan, participating in a subject committee, implementing interventions that respond to the Annual National Assessment / National Senior Certificate School Diagnostic Report)
  • Type 3 Activities (External Provider Initiated): These are activities provided by a SACE accredited provider, such as Get SACE Points. With Get SACE Points, you can complete activities online, across a range of categories including People Management, Communication and Languages.

Earn SACE Points Online, Anywhere, Any Time, At Your Own Pace

Get SACE Points offers a range of activities which are ideal for principals and deputy principals. Each of the activities below have been recommended for the appropriateness of their content as well as the completion time and the potential points earning. If you’re a principal or deputy, here’s your chance to make sure you excel at the Continuing Professional Teacher Development program.


Leadership Development Activity | 1 hr 30 mins | 5 SACE PD Points

People are the most valuable resource in most companies. As a leader, you need to know how to get the best out of them. With this course, you can find out how you can develop the qualities to motivate your people, earn their trust and lead them in the right direction.


Work Relationships. Supporting Individuals & Motivating the Team Activity | 3-6 hours | 10 SACE PD Points

This course will help you to discover the secrets of developing good relationships at work. If you can develop a strong rapport with your team, you’ll improve motivation, increase commitment and build a formidable unit that delivers excellent performance and drives the business forward. 

Seminar Office Presentation Colleagues Business

Managing Successful Meetings Activity | 1 hour | 5 SACE PD Points

Understand the arrangements and actions required for planning meetings. Be able to prepare for a meeting. Be able to support running a meeting. How to follow up a meeting.


Giving and Receiving Feedback Activity | 3 hours 30 mins | 5 SACE PD Points

This course covers the different forms and styles of giving and receiving feedback. Would you like to be able to give and take feedback constructively This course demonstrates that feedback is a vital part of the communication process in business and one of the most significant ways that we can learn and develop at work.


Influencing and Negotiating Activity | 3 hours | 5 SACE PD Points

As a leader, it’s likely that you’ll often need to negotiate with other people and persuade them to, for example, accept an idea of yours. In these situations your influencing and negotiating skills are paramount.

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