- September 26, 2018
Conflict and disagreement in groups is part of normal group development. In the event that conflicts or disagreements arise with another service (or individual), it is very important to know how to quickly resolve the situation.
This course is intended for all children’s workforce practitioners, i.e. all staff who work with children, young people and their families. Although this course forms part of an induction programme for new starters, it is also intended for all practitioners who want to improve their knowledge and continue their professional development.
About this course
The course contains additional resource materials, useful links and a refresher guide.
This course will enable you to:
- Learn the five main styles of dealing with conflict
- Identify the three main ways in which people behave during conflict
- Identify the styles you tend towards when conflict arises
- Resolve conflict using effective communication techniques
- Improve your listening and responding techniques during a difficult situation
- Identify effective ways of negotiating positive solutions to conflict
- Learn the reasons for conflict within and between agency teams
- Learn a strategy to resolve conflict
- Understand our own behaviour in conflict situations
- Understand the types of difficult behaviour people display in order to gauge which approach to take