- September 14, 2018
Sports clubs and facilities are used by hundreds of children and young people who need to be kept safe. This course examines the role of people who come into contact with children through sport. It describes abuse and considers what can be done to ensure that abuse is recognised, stopped and prevented.
This course is aimed at:
Staff and volunteers working with children in sporting environments; managers of sports facilities; Parents of children who take part in sporting activities.
This course leads the learner through definitions used in safeguarding, to a discussion about who is responsible for safeguarding, and definitions of different types of abuse. Scenarios and stories are provided to illustrate the definitions.
Neglect is the persistent failure to meet a child’s basic physical and / or psychological needs, likely to result in the serious impairment of the child’s health or development. This course is intended for everyone who works with or has contact with children, young people and their families.