The South African Council for Educators (SACE) is a professional council, that aims to enhance the status of the teaching profession through appropriate:
What is SACE?
- Registration
- Management of Professional Development
- Instilling the Code of Ethics
SACE was established to uphold the education profession.
Let us help you get SACE registered Learn more

What is CPTD?
Continuing Professional Teacher Development (CPTD) is the system that helps educators grow professionally. Like all professionals (doctors, lawyers, accountants etc), educators need to grow their knowledge and skills throughout their careers.
Most professional bodies expect their members to engage in professional development activities. The CPTD system will help educators organise their professional development in order to achieve maximum benefit. The system is managed by SACE with the support of the education departments.
We provide CPTD workshops for schools Learn more

CPTD is a system for recognising educator development activities:
- Approving quality and credible professional development providers
- Endorsing relevant and good professional development quality activities and programmes
- Allocating professional development (PD) points to such activities
- Accrediting each educator’s CPTD account
We provide tailored monthly CPTD services for schools Learn more
SACE created the CPTD system for all South African educators.
- For Principals, Vice Principals, Primary and Remedial School Teachers
The 3 year cycle runs from 2020-2023. - For HODs
The three cycle started in 2018 and the cycle ends at the end of 2020. - For High School and Combined School Teachers
The cycle started in 2019 and the cycle ends at the end of 2021.
Be sure to get your points before then!
Educators must achieve at least 150 points every 3 years by participating in various activities.
These points can be achieved by performing SACE endorsed activities, each of which has a predetermined point allocation. Participation is aimed at deepening the knowledge of educators, refining their skills and promoting career development at all levels.
Earn points by completing our online courses See our courses

Educators will have to earn their Professional Development (PD) points from three types of professional development activities:
These activities are initiated personally by an educator to address his / her identified needs.
These activities are initiated by a school to address, for example, common needs identified by a group of foundation phase educators.
(External Provider-Initiated)
Educators are required to participate in report on these activities.
In order to protect educators against dishonest service providers and poor-quality activities.
As Get SACE is an Accredited Provider, we can do this process for you.
Educators are urged to try to strike a balance by earning points from all three types of PD activities over the three-year cycle. Points earned are recorded on-line via the Points Schedule provided by SACE, another service which we can do for you.
A wide range of options are available in all three categories. For more information, please visit:
Educators who refuse to participate in the CPTD Management System will be contravening Section 7 of the SACE Code of Professional Ethics. This means educators could get denied their SACE registration and ultimately be unable to teach.
How do you get started with SACE and record your points?
The guide below is aimed at giving assistance to teachers on how to use the SACE Continuing Professional Teacher Development (CPTD) Self-Service portal.
- SACE Registration number*
- A smart device/laptop/computer
- Internet
- SACE CPTD Username – which is your SACE number
- SACE Password – which is normally your surname
*If you have not registered with SACE, please follow this link to help you with registration:
Please follow steps 1-6 to register yourself for CPTD
OR skip steps 3 & 4 if you have already registered
Click on the CPTD-IS tab
Click on Sign-Up
Fill in all your personal details and then click submit
Click on the log-in button and enter your username (SACE Registration number) and Password (Surname – case sensitive)
If you have forgotten/lost your registration number, please contact SACE directly on: 012 663 0419 or
You can now start working your way through the self-service portal where you can update your information at any time, report and record your CPTD Points.
The next step is to start earning your CPTD Points
Type 1 (Teacher initiated) and Type 3 (External Provider Initiated).